
Field Width

.iwidth-50: 50% width on screens 720px plus (otherwise 100%)
.iwidth-33: 33.3% width on screens 720px plus (otherwise 100%)

Form Validation

Form validates on submit and when field changed or loses focus
Error message defined by data-ivalidatemessage[type] (eg. data-ivalidatemessagerequired)
Generic default error message (eg. 'Required') if not defined

.ivalidate-required: value required
.ivalidate-checked: atleast one checkbox/radio checked
.ivalidate-email: valid email (use with .ivalidate-required if required)

Field popup help link follows same rules as other popups


.ivalidate-number: valid number required
.ivalidate-int: valid integer required
data-validatemin and data-validatemax define optional range


Class: .ifieldselect2
Generates options from data-select2file
data-select2type posts $_POST["type"] to data-select2file

Match Validation

Class: .ivalidate-match (two fields must have same value)
First field input has id (eg. id="imatch-field1")
Second field div.ifieldlabeltop has the validate class(ivalidate-match)
Second field input has matching data-validatematch (eg. data-validatematch="#imatch-field1")

Password Validation

Class: .ivalidate-password
Regex defined in jQuery.fn.iValidatePassword function (asset/iform/jquery.iform.js)

Add Row

Duplicates .ihide removing 'INSERT' from field names


Popup Checkbox

a.iclick-popupload loads popup
data-ipopupfile defines file for popup html
data-ipopupid defines .popup html id (must match)
data-ipopuppost posts value to file as $_POST['POPUP'];
data-ipopuptarget must match previous ul id
content of li must match content of li in popup - especially input name and value


    Popup Upload

    Form Submit

    a.iclick-submit submits form adding hidden input to form with name=data-submitname and value=data-submitvalue
    if no data-isubmitvalue, value=1

    Form Submit with Confirmation Popup

    a.iclick-popupconfirm loads popup with a default confirmation message
    data-confirmtitle overrides the popup title
    data-confirmtext overrides the popup text
    Clicking 'Confirm' on the popup submits form adding hidden input to form with name=data-confirmname and value=data-confirmvalue
    if no data-confirmvalue, value=1